Explore the latest in Next.js, AI, and Open Source!
Each week, we bring you new insights and tutorials on Next.js development, artificial intelligence applications, and open source contributions.
Demystifying AI Agents in Crypto
A look at the AI agents landscape from a developer's perspective.
Maximize AI Efficiency with Upstash Vector
An exploration of how using Upstash vector for Semantic-caching can help a lot with cutting LLM costs
React with Bun.js
A Deep Dive into compiling React with Bun.js, can it replace Bite or Next.js?
Next.js with Bun.js
A comprehensive guide to integrating Bun.js with Next.js, exploring the benefits, cha...
MetaMask Connection in SvelteKit
The Ultimate Guide to Connecting MetaMask with Your SvelteKit Application
Understanding OpenAI and ChatGPT
Learn all you need to know about OpenAI and different models such as ChatGPT
Hosting A React Applications On Fleek.co
Fleek hosting is a great option for hosting React applications on IPFS.
Getting Started with the MetaMask Web3 API
Why should we care about Metamask as developers?
There's an awesome new DB in town. It's called SurrealDB
Learn how to deploy it within 10 minutes!
Should You Host Your Next.js Application Elsewhere Than Vercel?
I Know You Can But Then Again...Should You Bother?
How to host a Web3 app on Vercel
Learn how to host your Web3 app on Vercel. This guide combines decentralization with...
Using Vercel to host a Python API.
Sending the Python Data-Science Stack to production easily.